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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

FS Students

Serving In Guatemala
June 22, 2024
Community: San Pedro Yepocapa
Partner: IDPA Nueva Jerusalem
Staff: Katrina Hulme, Carlos Velásquez , Yovanny Gomez

Driving to Yepocapa!

by Katrina Hulme | June 23, 2024 12:44 AM

We made it to Guatemala! After a classic lunch at Pollo Campero, we drove to the town Yepocapa where we will be serving this week. There were some great views along the way! 

Driving to Yepocapa!

A Great Welcome!

by Katrina Hulme | June 23, 2024 12:47 AM

The church members welcomed us with this great surprise of decorations, prayed over us, and greeted each of us individually. We cannot wait to see how the Lord will help us connect with the local congregation this week!
A Great Welcome!

Family Dinner

by Katrina Hulme | June 23, 2024 12:50 AM

We got to meet Pastor Moises' family and enjoy a delicious dinner prepared by Pastora Sara!
Family Dinner

Praise God!

by Katrina Hulme | June 23, 2024 12:53 AM

Today was a wild and long travel day, but we praise God that we made it safely and for His provision along the way! Thank you for your prayers!
Praise God!

God's Faithfulness

by Katrina Hulme | June 23, 2024 3:59 PM

This morning we learned more about the history of the church and Pastor Moises' story. He shared how Yepocapa was a forgotten town but the Lord has been faithfully providing for the church and growing the church. Each step of the way has been evidence of God at work. We prayed over Pastor, Pastora and their family, and we invite you to join us in praying for them as they serve in the ministry God has called them too. 

God's Faithfulness

Kids Ministry Kick-Off

by Katrina Hulme | June 23, 2024 4:04 PM

During our first day of kids ministry, we shared the story of the Prodigal Son, played games and colored. It was fun to meet a lot of the kids and strat to build relationships! 
Kids Ministry Kick-Off

Men's Ministry

by Katrina Hulme | June 23, 2024 4:14 PM

Some of our leaders felt led to share with the men of the church, and Pastor said it is the first time that a team has done that! We had some fun and also shared about how the Bible describes the man's role in his family and how we are to follow Christ's example. 
Men's Ministry

Prepping Food Bags

by Katrina Hulme | June 23, 2024 4:20 PM

We packed up grocery bags with some basic staples and prayed over each one. We pray that these bags would be a small blessing to each family. Please pray for the 20 families that we will visit this week and that they would see and feel God's love through us! 

Prepping Food Bags

All Dressed Up

by Katrina Hulme | June 23, 2024 5:10 PM

We are ready for church tonight and excited to worship alongside our Guatemalan brothers and sisters! 

All Dressed Up

Sharing Testimonies

by Katrina Hulme | June 23, 2024 9:48 PM

Chandler, Ava and Kielyn shared their testimonies during church and talked about how God has shown up in unique ways for each of them. 

Sharing Testimonies

At His Feet

by Katrina Hulme | June 23, 2024 9:51 PM

Heidi shared a powerful message about the feet of Jesus. She shared stories from the Bible of people falling at Jesus' feet to worship, find healing, and find forgiveness. Then she invited us and the congregation to do the same!
At His Feet

Breaking Rocks!

by Katrina Hulme | June 24, 2024 10:21 AM

Our work project crew is breaking up pieces of concrete in order to make room for the sidewalk. We were supposed to have rain, which would've delayed the project, but the Lord provided sunshine!! Hallelujah! 

Breaking Rocks!

Visiting Yepocapa

by Katrina Hulme | June 24, 2024 4:32 PM

We had two groups out this morning for food distribution and we visited 9 families. Thank you Lord for the sun as one of the groups walked to homes near the church!

Visiting Yepocapa

VBS Day Two!

by Katrina Hulme | June 24, 2024 4:36 PM

We are back this afternoon with the kids! We are starting out with some games before diving into the Bible story, skit and activities. It is already getting easier to hang out with the kids and communicate in creative ways!
VBS Day Two!

Time to Sing!

by Carlos Velásquez | June 24, 2024 4:49 PM

After playing some games, our team and the kids decided to sing while doing hand movements. So much fun!

Time to Sing!


by Katrina Hulme | June 25, 2024 12:09 AM

Tonight we played soccer with many of the youth from the church, and it was fun to see walls coming down as we played together. Some of us walked away with more goals than others, but the evening was full of laughter and fun!


Dishwashing Crew!

by Katrina Hulme | June 25, 2024 10:17 AM

We have been taking turns after each meal to wash the dishes, featuring Pancho the parrot! Pastora and Pastor have expressed their gratitude and noticed that our group is different as that is not normal for guests to wash dishes!

Dishwashing Crew!

Food Distribution

by Katrina Hulme | June 25, 2024 5:41 PM

One of our food distribution groups yesterday with a gentleman that we visited. Each of us have been impacted by a visit and will remember them as part of our week in Guatemala.
Food Distribution

God Provides the Growth

by Katrina Hulme | June 25, 2024 5:43 PM

As we visit homes, we really focus on being present with them as they share about their challenges and faith, as well as their hobbies and families. We pray for each family we visit as we know God is the one that will continue the growth in their lives!
God Provides the Growth

Power of Prayer

by Katrina Hulme | June 25, 2024 5:48 PM

Please join us in praying for these families we have spent time with this week. The twenty families we visited these last two days are facing extra challenges, but we know God is a provider, a healer, a protector, a nurturer, and so much more! 
Power of Prayer

Broadcasting Live!

by Katrina Hulme | June 25, 2024 5:54 PM

One of the families we visited has a radio station and they let us share about today's afternoon VBS on the radio! 
Broadcasting Live!

Our Helpers!

by Katrina Hulme | June 25, 2024 5:57 PM

As we continued our project this morning, we had some of the kids helping us to break of big rocks and pieces of concrete. We made enough progress on clearing the space AND the weather was clear - which meant they could start installing the windows! 
Our Helpers!

A Local Experience

by Katrina Hulme | June 25, 2024 6:01 PM

Some of our team got a truly unique experience this afternoon after visiting a family that lives near the church. Tortillas are a national staple and you can see people making tortillas on nearly every street. We tried making them and learned that it is actually quite difficult. Still, they let us eat our lopsided tortillas and they declared Hayden the best tortilla maker!
A Local Experience

Let the Children Come to Me

by Katrina Hulme | June 25, 2024 6:02 PM

Each day this week we have had more kids show up for VBS! Today over 75 kids came to learn about Jesus, sing songs & dance, play games, and hang out with our team. 
Let the Children Come to Me

Snacks & Coloring

by Katrina Hulme | June 25, 2024 6:05 PM

We end each day with a snack, served by the best juice pourers and cookie deliverers, and some time to color. Look at that focus!
Snacks & Coloring

Youth Group

by Katrina Hulme | June 26, 2024 11:45 AM

We spent time with the youth of the church sharing testimonies, talking about our identity in Christ, and playing some fun games. We even got a fire going in the light rain!

Youth Group

Today is the Day!!

by Katrina Hulme | June 26, 2024 11:46 AM

Today we are putting the grates over the windows!! This is a huge step for the church and the outside looks so much better. Pastor Moises is so excited to see the progress. 
Today is the Day!!

Break Time

by Katrina Hulme | June 26, 2024 11:48 AM

There are a few church members and community members that are helping us with the windows and projects. And of course we need a snack time with all our hard work!
Break Time

Women's Ministry

by Katrina Hulme | June 26, 2024 11:49 AM

While the guys are working on the windows, the ladies are spending time encouraging the women of the church and having fun with some games. Fruit Basket had been a hit with everyone this week!! 
Women's Ministry

The Beautiful Ladies

by Katrina Hulme | June 26, 2024 6:04 PM

The women shared that they were encouraged through our time together, and we were also encouraged! 

The Beautiful Ladies

Café Please!

by Katrina Hulme | June 26, 2024 10:01 PM

During our home visits this week, we met a coffee farmer who invited us to come get a tour. He explained the process of making coffee from seed to bean, and how they try to keep it as natural as possible. Of course they let us buy some coffee too!

Café Please!

Praying for Our Sister

by Katrina Hulme | June 26, 2024 10:03 PM

Today the whole group got to visit with sister Graciela, who has shared her gifts of hospitality with us through decorations and gifts. She has also passed through some challenges but she gives thanks to God for His faithfulness through it all. 

Praying for Our Sister

Last Day!

by Katrina Hulme | June 26, 2024 10:05 PM

On our last day of VBS we played games, danced, sang, colored, laughed, and shared the love of Christ with our friends. We don't want to say goodbye!
Last Day!

Dancing for the Lord

by Katrina Hulme | June 26, 2024 10:07 PM

We have had fun teaching our dances and learning some new songs this week!
Dancing for the Lord

Tearful Goodbyes

by Katrina Hulme | June 26, 2024 10:10 PM

We had a beautiful goodbye service with the local church and received a detailed, handmade gift to remember our friends in Yepocapa. They prayed for us, we worshipped together, we prayed for them, and we shared many hugs as we say goodbye for now.
Tearful Goodbyes

Cerro de la Cruz

by Katrina Hulme | June 27, 2024 3:46 PM

It's rec day!! Our first stop was overlooking the city of Antigua with the cross and volcanos! 

Cerro de la Cruz

The Arch

by Katrina Hulme | June 27, 2024 3:47 PM

Next stop: the infamous yellow arch of Antigua, Guatemala! 
The Arch

Exploration Time!

by Katrina Hulme | June 27, 2024 3:49 PM

This afternoon we had a great lunch, and now we are exploring Antigua and doing some souvenir shopping!

Exploration Time!

Our Finished Project!

by Katrina Hulme | June 27, 2024 3:51 PM

Our big project this week was helping the church get the windows and bars installed. This included removing the sheet metal, leveling out the sidewalk to avoid falls, breaking up old concrete, and carrying supplies. Everyone is so excited to see the transformation that took place in just 3 days!
Our Finished Project!

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